
York Golf Club

York Golf Club

COURSE Designed by J.H. Taylor in 1904

Adult Membership

We believe in offering membership of the Club in ways that suit the needs and lifestyles of members; we therefore have a range of different membership options as follows:

Full Membership offers unrestricted play 7 days a week.

Weekday Membership offers unrestricted* play Monday to Friday (*some competition restrictions apply).

Country Membership offers unrestricted play 7 days a week to those who can provide evidence of either of the following criteria: (a) their principal residence for tax purposes (and their place of business if employed) is more than 40 miles from the Clubhouse; OR (b) they are a non-domiciled foreign national.

Associate Membership caters for those who do not wish to play as regularly but want to be a member of a golf club with access to a handicap and competitions* (*some competition restrictions apply). It provides 12 rounds of golf annually (additional rounds can be purchased if required).

Annual subscriptions are payable from April 1st and for 2024-25 are as follows:

Category Annual Subcription Joining Fee
Full £ 1,220 £ 732
Weekday £ 978 £ 587
Country £ 880 £ 528
Associate £ 408 £ 245

We offer a Direct Debit option - please contact the Managing Secretary for more information on this option .

If you would like to join please complete the online  Application Form.

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